Who are we? Just two nerdy creative-types who love spreadsheets as much as theatre camp and graffiti walls (not the kind you’re thinking, see def: arts education). But this podcast isn’t about that, or, wait, maybe it is? We’re not limiting ourselves. But rest assured, in this conversational cast, we’ll touch on everything from arts education to politics to boy bands and, of course, all things rosé. Erika Atkins & Katie Rainey are two hot messes who somehow manage to keep pretty good jobs, do a shit ton of community organizing, run their own businesses, make art, and still have time to watch The Bachelor and drink rosé. And, like, we totally know anyways isn’t grammatically correct. Go shout into a dictionary already.

Saturday May 13, 2023
The Night Before Eggsmas
Saturday May 13, 2023
Saturday May 13, 2023
Well babes, we knew our punctuality streak couldn't last forever. Our bad. Anyway... it's the night before Eggsmas and all through Erika's house... these creatures are recording an episode with more feelings, more Amanda, and more special guest Laura Been. Laura tells us about her journey with egg freezing because, as we've learned, everyone's path to parenthood (or not!) is different. Grab your rosé and let's go!

Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Ranting & Crying
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Wednesday Mar 08, 2023
Oh babes, this one is all about our feelings. Egg freezing has proven to be a rollercoaster of emotions... Thank god for that emotional support human on hand! In this one, Erika talks about all she's feeling while Amanda pretends not to be in this episode. Oh and Katie isn't sick, but Rosetta has decided she's tired of not being on the pod. Grab your rosé and let's go!

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Emotional Support Human
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
What's up, babes! Well come on, we knew that punctuality streak we had going wouldn't last... so here's episode four of our special egg series, but in this episode we've got a very special guest who stayed with Erika during this journey. Say hello to Amanda, everyone! Oh and Katie is still sick in this one. Grab some rosé and let's go!

Monday Feb 06, 2023
Shots Shots Shots
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
What's up, babes! We're dropping episode 3 late in the day... but still technically on time! We're back this week to find out all about Erika's first day of shots and how irresponsible it truly is of the medical community to just send people home to do these shots themselves. Oh, and Katie has strep throat. Grab some rosé and let's go!
Here's the NY Times article we mention in this episode: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/23/health/egg-freezing-age-pregnancy.html

Monday Jan 30, 2023
Vasectomies Are Free (Okay so they’re covered)
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
What's up, babes! Look at us... two episodes in a row on time. We're back this week to hear all about Erika's egg-freezing orientation, Katie's confusion about the human body, and rage about the patriarchy’s impact on fertility planning. Grab some rosé and let's go!
And also... here are some things mentioned in the episode:
How egg freezing works - according to the Mayo Clinic
We touch (or yell) specifically about the fact that vasectomies are typically covered by insurance (and $1000 or less when not) but in general women tend to spend a lot more money on their reproductive health. See: “My Uterus Costs More Than A Porsche,” Huffington Post.
We discuss how a man's age also has an impact on their fertility, but this is not well known. Here is an article from The New York Times that digs into that more: “The Risks to Babies of Older Fathers.”
Prince Harry’s new book: Spare. Not sponsored, just fans (Erika is anyways).
“We Did Yoga Today” (Just enjoy).

Monday Jan 23, 2023
Prada Eggs
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
We're back babes! Well, at least for a little while. Erika won’t commit to an official relaunch, and Katie won’t commit to a limited run. We're here to document Erika's journey through the egg freezing process (with brief interludes about Katie's shitshow of a love life). We'll see if we can get our acts together after that. So enjoy this episode in which Katie REFUSES to stop calling Erika's eggs big and sexy. Grab some rosé and let's go!

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Episode 20: We're Alright
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Hey babes! Erika & Katie are back... finally... after nearly a year off. We went on a hiatus like the rest of the world, but we're back and this episode is all about what we've been up to since the last episode. So grab your rosé and let's go!

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Episode 19: Leveling Up
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Babes! Okay we are like super late releasing this episode. But can we all just agree that this past year has been hard af and give each other a break? Anyway, before we took a hiatus, we recorded this episode about Erika's brand new job (and yep we're not saying where... just like Google us already) and leveling up in life. Enjoy this one. We're getting our act together and have new episodes on the way!

Friday Oct 02, 2020
Episode 18: Sister Act
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
What's up, babes! Okay, okay, this episode was recorded in May... Yes, we know, we're super late... Look 2020's been hard, k? And this week has been the longest year, so we felt we needed to inject some goodness into the world right now, which is why we big sisters are proud to bring our baby sisters onto the show today! Please welcome Erika's baby sister Brittany and Katie's baby sister Lizzie aka Dizzy aka Lizzo aka Lizard. Today we're talking all things sisterhood, the highs, the lows, and all the complaints Lizzie and Brittany have about growing up with gems like us. Sorry we’re releasing this so late, but even big sisters mess up in 2020. Grab your rosé and let's go!

Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Episode 17: Kill the Hot Guy
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
Sunday Jul 12, 2020
We're back babes! Another episode from our quarantined homes. Full disclosure... we recorded this in April! You know us, sometimes we're slow to get these posted. In this episode, Katie & Erika are joined by the babes of An Angry Reading Series - Chelsea Asher & Meher Manda. Chelsea & Meher are well versed in all things anger, so join us as we explore what makes us angry, what we do with it, and oh yeah - end on a weird game of Fuck, Marry, Kill. Grab your rosé and let's go!